PT Tekno Medicalogy adalah distributor resmi alat kesehatan | Izin PAK:  FK.01.01/VI/163/2017
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harga Icare Tensimeter care20

Icare Tensimeter care20

Berat: 1.0 kg SKU: 02ERAC-RTMSNT-RCI No Registrasi: AKL 20501811813

Harga Icare Tensimeter care20 :

Rp289.000 2% off

Deskripsi Icare Tensimeter care20

Akurasi tinggi dan kualitas terjamin

Technical Data Care 20 :

  1. Size 130mm(L) x 55mm (W) x 30mm(H)
  2. Weight 350g
  3. Measurement way Automatic oscillometry
  4. Measurement Range
    • Systolic 30mmHg-255mmHg (4.0kPa-34.0kPa)
    • Diastolic 10mmHg-220mmHg (1.3kPa-29.3kPa)
  5. Pressure Accuracy
    • Static ± 3mmHg
    • Clinic Average error : ± 5mmHg, Standart deviation ≥ 8mmHg
  6. PR range and accuracy 40 bpm-240bpm. ±5% or ±3bpm, whichever is the greater
  7. Blood pressure unit "mmHg" or "kPa"
  8. Software overpressure protection 295±5 mmHg
  9. Measurement time Normally, it is 20s to 45s (depanding on HR and moving interference typically). Maximal Measurement time 120 s
  10. Bluetooth
    • Version Bluetooth 4.0 with low power consumption
    • Transmission frequency 2440 MHZ
    • Wireless distance ≥ 5m
  11. App Software Platform IOS, Android
  12. Battery Rechargeable lithium ion battery. 3.7 VDC
    • Capability 600 mAh
    • Charge time ≤2 hour
    • operating time ≥ 24 hour
  13. Cuff medium cuff ( 22cm-32cm)

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