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harga BISTOS LED Phototherapy "NEW" BT 400

BISTOS LED Phototherapy "NEW" BT 400

Berat: 9.0 kg SKU: 46300MPM No Registrasi: AKL 20902807289

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

Bistos BT-400 LED Phototherapy Unit (#400) comes with an operator's manual, power cord, clamp and features a blue LED lamp.

Harga BISTOS LED Phototherapy "NEW" BT 400 :

Rp14.300.000 20% off
Tersedia cicilan hingga 12 bulan dengan kartu kredit BNI

Deskripsi BISTOS LED Phototherapy "NEW" BT 400

Bistos BT-400 LED Phototherapy Unit (#400) comes with an operator's manual, power cord, clamp and features a blue LED lamp. Using LED for phototherapy is much more effective for infant jaundice treatment than the ultraviolet light usually delivered via florescent or halogen lighting. The flexible moving neck the light to be pointed to deliver phototherapy at differing angles and distance from the infant being treated.

The LED Lamp lasts for 20,000 hours, and results in little heat side effect. This unit is light in weight, compact, and has a wide effective area with a flexible moving neck. FDA Approval is pending for this product.

Optional features for this product are a cart for the Blue LED Phototherapy main unit (#CRT400) and an eyeshade (#SHADE).

Bistos BT-400 LED Phototherapy Unit Features:

  • 20,000 hour operation time.
  • Wide effective area.
  • Operating and total using time display.
  • Light weight and compact size.
  • Flexible neck for ease of use.

Bistos BT-400 LED Phototherapy Unit Specifications:

  • Light Source:
    • Blue LED.
    • Intensity: 30μ W/cm2.
    • Life time: minimum 20,000 hr.
    • Variation in intensity over 6 hours: Effective surface area: 50 x 25 cm.

  • Electrical:
    • Leakage current: Input: AC 100 ∼ 240V (50/60 Hz).
    • Consumption: about 80Va.
  • Heat Output: Over 6 hours LCD Display:
    • Setting time.
    • Remaining time.
    • Operating time.
    • LED driving time.
  • Audible Noise: Standard:
    • Type BF.
    • EN60601 -1, EN60601 -1-2, EN60601-2-50.
  • Dimensions:
    • Main Unit: 7.5 cm (H) x 34 cm (L) x 21 cm (D).
    • Standard: 45 cm (H).
    • Cart: 120 cm (H) x 43 cm (L) x 52 cm (D).
  • Accessories:
    • Clamp (1 ea.).
    • Power Cord (1 ea.).
    • Operator's Manual (1 ea).

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