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harga Beurer EM 59 TENS EMS Digital with Heat Function

Beurer EM 59 TENS EMS Digital with Heat Function

Berat: 1.0 kg Brand: Beurer SKU: 95ME-SMESNET-RUEB No Registrasi: AKL 21003127066

This digital TENS/EMS device is the perfect choice for pain therapy or muscle stimulation! The optional heat function also means it is suitable for relaxation and massage.

Harga Beurer EM 59 TENS EMS Digital with Heat Function :

Tersedia cicilan hingga 12 bulan dengan kartu kredit BNI

Deskripsi Beurer EM 59 TENS EMS Digital with Heat Function

Pain therapy (TENS)
Muscle stimulation (EMS)
Heat function
Relaxation and massage
Electrode positioning indicator
Rechargeable battery
4 electrodes with gel pads
4 gel pads included
2 heat levels: low and high
3 usage options: TENS/EMS + heat, only TENS, only heat
2 separately adjustable channels
64 pre-programmed applications
6 customisable programs: frequency, pulse width, on/off time programmable
Adjustable intensity
Countdown timer
Safety switch-off

Diskusi Beurer EM 59 TENS EMS Digital with Heat Function

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