PT Tekno Medicalogy adalah distributor resmi alat kesehatan | Izin PAK:  FK.01.01/VI/163/2017
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harga Active K Active Continuous Passive Motion

Active K Active Continuous Passive Motion

Berat: 115.0 kg Brand: Monark SKU: 420006NE No Registrasi: AKL 21403811182

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

The Active-K is a motorized physiotherapy unit that delivers a unique mix of rehabilitation therapies through a single device. Combining the benefits of CPM (Continuous Passive Motion), CAM therapy (Controlled Active Motion) and the onboard protocols, the patient is able to regain coordination and reduce proprioceptive deficit.


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Deskripsi Active K Active Continuous Passive Motion

The Active-K is a motorized physiotherapy unit that delivers a unique mix of rehabilitation therapies through a single device. Combining the benefits of CPM (Continuous Passive Motion), CAM therapy (Controlled Active Motion) and the onboard protocols, the patient is able to regain coordination and reduce proprioceptive deficit.

Using the Active-K allows patients to regain painless mobility of hip and knee joints at an early post-operative stage and stimulates the healing process. Additionally, the active component of the therapy unit is intended to enhance proprioception and functional stability (strength) as mentioned at an early stage and thus improve coordination following joint surgery.


  • Lightweight (17 kg) robust design, able to withstand +/-30 kg of force
  • Designed to ensure anatomically correct movements are maintained
  • Can be secured to a treatment table or bed using the fold-out stabilization supports and/or optional straps
  • Integral footplate sensor enables exercise forces to be measured
  • Computer controlled motor for CAM and coordination therapies
  • Fully adjustable to suit different patient sizes and heights
  • Advanced, interactive hand controller incorporating a full color LED screen for instant patient feedback
  • Controller features an easy to use icon based menu system
  • Patient Chip Card for storage of therapy data
  • A range of pre-programmed protocols for specific indications
  • Max. Patient Weight: 275 kg
  • 2 year warranty

The Active-K has the capacity to allow clinicians to perform therapeutic strengthening exercises by allowing muscular contractions using the following methods:

  • Concentric
  • Eccentric
  • Isokinetic
  • Isometric
  • Range of Motion
  • Extension/Flexion "Knee": 10°/0°/120°
  • Extension/Flexion "Hip": 0°/7°/115°
  • Functions
  • "Passive" Mode
  • "Active" Mode
  • "Coordination" Mode

Additional Therapeutic Benefits for Patients

  • Enhancement of joint metabolism
  • Prevention of joint stiffness
  • Promotion and regeneration of cartilage and damaged ligaments
  • Faster hematoma / re-absorption
  • Improved blood & lymph circulation
  • Prophylaxis for thrombus and embolism syndromes
  • Bridging the gap from Passive motion to Active training with resistive therapy during rehabilitation
  • Expedites coordination & sensory perception following surgery

Diskusi Active K Active Continuous Passive Motion

DDola Restika  

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