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harga Infant Radiant Warmer GEA HKN 2000

Infant Radiant Warmer GEA HKN 2000

Berat: 45.0 kg SKU: 87200MPM No Registrasi: AKL 20902902001

Dijamin original dan bergaransi


-  Pre-warm mode, manual mode and baby mode

-  Set temperature and skin temperature can be displayed separately

-  Main body is made of stainless steel

-  Double sides phototherapy radiant box

-  Acrylic glass bassinet

-  APGAR timer

-  Timer to count phototherapy time

-  Failure alarm indication

-  RS232 connector

Harga Infant Radiant Warmer GEA HKN 2000 :

Rp35.200.000 20% off
Tersedia cicilan hingga 12 bulan dengan kartu kredit BNI

Deskripsi Infant Radiant Warmer GEA HKN 2000

Type : Infant Radiant Warmer + Phototherapy HKN-2000


- Air temp and skin-temp, servo controlled by Mocro-process                                                                                   

- Automatic adjust power supply AC/DC or ambulance power supply                                                                     

- With isolated alarm system, it will be automatic ruuning as soon as the normal alarm system broken.   

-With specially connector for ambulance power supply                                                                                 

- With super long trolley for assembly necessary medical device (patient monitor, infusion pump, etc). 

- Six quiet operate iris port..                                                                                       

- Heating power rate 0-100%.                                                                                    

- Double wall prevent heat losing.                                                                                           

- The acces  panel can open in two side for draw out the bassinet from hood.                                    

- The chamber hood can whole move, convenient for any rescue operating.                                                      

- Gradient of the bassinet can be adjusted in two step.                                                                                 

- Trolley stand can pucker, and suitable for ambulance delivery.                                                                                                                                                                                                            


- Power supply requirements                                                                                                      

AC :  AC 220 V±10%, 50 Hz ± 10%, 200VA Max

DC : 12 V, 150 VA Max. or less, 24 V, 150 VA Max.                                                                                                   

- Internal battery specifications                                                                                                   

Type : Topin® TP12-36 Battery

Quantity :  Two

Voltage :  12 V / 26 AH

Charge time :  12 Hours for one battery

Life expentancy :  200 complete charge/discharge cycles

Work time at temperature equilibrium  :  45 min for one battery

Battery's length :  17.5 cm

Battery's width : 16.6 cm

Battery's height                :  12.6 cm

Battery's weight :  9.1 kg                                                                                                    

- Ambient temperature (normal)                                                                                                               

Operating range (limited) :  0’C ~ 40’C

Storage range :  40’C ~ 70’C                                                                                                        

- Ambient humidity                                                                                                          

Operating range (limited) :  % ~ 75% RH non-condensing

Storage range :  95% RH non-condensing

Atmosperic presssure                                                                                                   

Atmosphere pressure range when transport :  500 hPa ~ 1060 hPa

Diskusi Infant Radiant Warmer GEA HKN 2000

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