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harga Yazumi Infant Warmer

Yazumi Infant Warmer

Berat: 75.0 kg Brand: Yazumi SKU: 60000NIB No Registrasi: AKL 20902012880

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

Electric table
Retracable cradle sides
Ergometric support vertical lift with up and down pedals on both sides

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Deskripsi Yazumi Infant Warmer

  • Electric table
  • Retracable cradle sides
  • Ergometric support vertical lift with up and down pedals on both sides
  • Articulable irradiant reflector and LED auxiliary illumination
  • Gas panels – 4 option
  • Bilitron phototherapy
  • Pulse Oximetry OXIMAX
  • Flowmeters – outputs for oxygen and air
  • Gas supply oxygen and air
  • Bubble CPAP Babypap
  • 3 options microprocessed monitor: LED, Monocolor and Color Monitor
  • Monitor type
  • Fixed or adjustable height
  • Auxiliary illumination kit
  • X-ray cassette tray
  • Complete resuscitation kit
  • Aspirator with vacuum meter and control valve mounted on the front panel
  • Gas panel with 2 oxygen and 2 compressed air inlets, 1 vacuum outlet

Pre-warm mode control, manual mode control and baby mode controlled by micro-computer; Set temperature and baby temperature can be displayed separately; Horizon angle of heater head and inclination of the bassinet can be adjusted; The panels around bassinet can be turned outward; X-ray cassette under the bassinet; APGAR timer; Failure alarm indication; RS232 connector; Vertical height adjustment stand and Baby scale is optional. Based on HBHKN-93B, HBHKN-93A is added with Breath resuscitation bag and Infant head fixing unit. Based on HBHKN-93, HBHKN-93B is added with LED Phototherapy unit; Timer to count phototherapy time

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