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harga Yazumi Matras Anti Decubitus

Yazumi Matras Anti Decubitus

Berat: 14.0 kg Brand: Yazumi SKU: 70000NIB No Registrasi: AKL 20902711168

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

  • Tipe J-003 : Anti decubitus Mattress and Pump
  • Designed to prevent bed sore and healing process during recovery phase.
  • It commonly used in hospital, nursering home and rehabilitation centers.

Harga Yazumi Matras Anti Decubitus :

Rp1.752.500 16% off
Tersedia cicilan hingga 12 bulan dengan kartu kredit BNI

Deskripsi Yazumi Matras Anti Decubitus

Anti-decubitus systems play an important role in the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers. The mattress should meet the requirements and needs of care for high risk patients. The systems make use of the latest and clinically proven technology.

  • Anti decubitus Mattress and Pump
  • Prevents patient from pressure sore and offers comfort while  maintaining air during power outages. It was designed to prevent bed sore and healing process during recovery phase.
  • It commonly used in hospital, nursering home and rehabilitation centers.

Satu paket penjualan kasur anti decubitus Yazumi terdiri dari :

  • Kasur anti decubitus
  • Pompa udara
  • Manual alat

A decubitus ulcer, also known as a pressure ulcer, pressure sore, or bed sore, is an open wound on your skin. Decubitus ulcers often occur on the skin covering bony areas. The most common places for a decubitis ulcer are your:

  • hips
  • back
  • ankles
  • buttocks

Bedsores, also called pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcers, are areas of broken skin that can develop in people who:

  • Have been confined to bed for extended periods of time

  • Are unable to move for short periods of time, especially if they are thin or have blood vessel disease or neurological diseases

  • Use a wheelchair or bedside chair (a hospital chair that allows a patient to sit upright next to the bed)

Kasur decubitus atau kasur/matras anti-luka/borok yaitu kasur yang biasanya dipakai oleh pasien dengan penyakit kronis yang terus-menerus berbaring di tempat tidur atau dipakai oleh pasien yang memerlukan bed-rest (tirah baring) dalam waktu yang lama, misalnya pasien stroke, koma, dll. Kasur ini terbuat dari gelembung udara yang memilki jarak antara sambungan yang satu dan lainnya, sehingga berfungsi mencegah terjadinya lecet dan luka akibat tekanan antara anggota tubuh dan alas tidur.

Medicalogy jual kasur anti decubitus merk Yazumi dengan harga murah dan garansi terjamin.


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