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harga Spirometer Vitalograph Alpha

Spirometer Vitalograph Alpha

Berat: 4.8 kg Brand: Vitalograph SKU: 20000RBL No Registrasi: AKL 20403510803

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

Easy to use, lightweight desktop spirometer that delivers an ideal combination of portability, speed and accuracy. ALPHA's low cost spirometry testing is enhanced by a precise and robust Fleisch pneumotachograph and a high resolution colour screen.

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Deskripsi Spirometer Vitalograph Alpha

Vitalograph ALPHA™ is an easy to use, lightweight desktop spirometer that delivers an ideal combination of portability, speed and accuracy. ALPHA's low cost spirometry testing is enhanced by a precise and robust Fleisch pneumotachograph and a high resolution colour screen.


  • Measures VC, FVC, FEV1, FEV1 Ratio, PEF, FEF25-75% and more
  • On-screen visualisation of volume/time and flow/volume curves
  • Saves multiple pre-tests for subsequent post-testing
  • Compact Flash removable memory card slot
  • Presents the test information in clear, easy to read format
  • Links to PC via USB with Vitalograph Reports Software
  • Fast, silent printer that prints 140 tests per roll
  • Battery and mains power with integrated battery for off site testing
  • Real time clock
  • Autoclaveable flowhead
  • Facility for user accuracy checks
  • Automatically selects the best test
  • Complete with stylish carry case


Product Vitalograph ALPHA
Model Number 6000
Size 300 x 250 x 75mm
Weight 2kg net
Parameters Varies by country variant
Operating Temperature Range ATS Limits: 17-37°C 
Design Limits: 10 - 40°C
Voltage/Frequency 110 - 250V~50/60Hz
Flow Detection Principle Fleisch type pneumotachograph
Volume Detection Flow Integration sampling @ 100Hz
Accuracy when Operated in Operating Temperature Range Conditions Flow +/- from 10% to 5% 
Max flow rate +/-16L/s 
Min flow rate +/-0.02L/s
Volume Accuracy Better than +/-3%
Maximum Displayed Volume 10L
Maximum Test Duration 90 seconds
Flow Impedance 0.1kpa L/s @ 14L/s 
Complies with ATS/ERS 2005
Printer Thermal
Performance Standards ATS/ERS 2005 & ISO 26782:2009, 
ISO 23747:2007
Safety Standards IEC 60601-1:2005
Medical Safety Standard Medical Devices Directive 
93/42/EEC as amended
Designed & Manufactured Under ISO 13485:2003, 
FDA 21CFR820, 
Communications USB and Compact Flash

Diskusi Spirometer Vitalograph Alpha

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