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harga Defibrillator Primedic Heartsave AED-M

Defibrillator Primedic Heartsave AED-M

Berat: 7.6 kg Brand: Primedic SKU: 80000RBL No Registrasi: AKL 30505311315

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

  • One-button operation 
  • Intuitive and easily handling 
  • Status indicator 

Harga Defibrillator Primedic Heartsave AED-M :

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Deskripsi Defibrillator Primedic Heartsave AED-M

The convincing feature of the new PRIMEDIC HeartSave is its easy, safe and speedy operation. With the new biphasic "Current Controlled Defibrillation" pulse, we are setting new standards in defibrillation technology.
The device performs an automatic ECG analysis within 12 seconds and decides whether a defibrillation is necessary.
Then a touch of a button is enough to trigger the life-saving electric pulse that eliminates the ventricular fibrillation.
Thus valuable seconds and minutes are used to save life.

HEART SAVE AED-M with monitor
Automatic external defibrillator incl. monitor for indication of operation duration, ECG, heart rate, identified VF/VT as well as triggered defibrillations.

Main features:
- One-button operation 
- Intuitive and easily handling 
- Status indicator 
- Can be operated from mains, battery and accumulators
- No energy selection required
- Charging time < 10 sec.
- 3-shock cycle < 60 sec.
- SaveCard, at least 60 minutes, for internal ECG and
voice recording
- Regular self-test
- Dim. approx. 26x26x8,5 cm, weight approx. 2 kg
- Made in Germany

Diskusi Defibrillator Primedic Heartsave AED-M

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