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harga Metsis Defibrilator Life Point Pro-Plus

Metsis Defibrilator Life Point Pro-Plus

Berat: 5.8 kg Brand: Metsis SKU: 10000ABH No Registrasi: AKL 30505022088

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

  • Dilengkapi analisa ECG yang akurat dan terpercaya
  • Mudah digunakan
  • Motion detector
  • Dapat mendeteksi penggunaan alat pacu jantung

Harga Metsis Defibrilator Life Point Pro-Plus :

Rp93.324.000 10% off
Tersedia cicilan hingga 12 bulan dengan kartu kredit BNI

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Total = Rp93.324.000
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Deskripsi Metsis Defibrilator Life Point Pro-Plus

Fitur Utama Defibrillator Metsis Lifepoint Pro

  • Dilengkapi analisa ECG yang akurat dan terpercaya
  • Mudah digunakan
  • Motion detector
  • Dapat mendeteksi penggunaan alat pacu jantung
  • Fungsi Self-test
  • Dilengkapi panduan AHA/ERC untuk CPR dan defibrillasi

Spesifikasi Defibrillator Metsis Lifepoint Pro :

  • Mode operasi : otomatis
  • Periode analisa ECG : umumnya di bawah 10 detik
  • Bentuk gelombang : gelombang bifasik truncated
  • Deteksi alat pacu jantung : ya
  • Deteksi gerakan : ya
  • Pengukuran impedansi : 25 – 175 ohm
  • Discharging maksimum : umumnya 100 kejutan pada suhu 20°C
  • Bandwidth ECG : 2 – 25 Hz
  • Baterai : LiMnO2 (12 V, 4500 mA)
  • Ukuran : 9,5 cm x 27 c mx 24 cm
  • Berat (termasuk baterai) : 1850 gram
  • Lingkungan operasional : 0°C - 50°C, kelembapan 10 – 95%
  • Suhu penyimpanan : antara -20°C dan 60°C
  • Transfer data : Software Metsis AED (mini USB)
  • Spesifikasi computer minimum : Windows XP – Vista – Windows 7 premium atau monitor VGA yang lebih tinggi atau Driver CD-ROM yg lebh tinggi.
  • Manual Defibrillator
  • Biphasic Waveform
  • 5,5 inch LCD Screen
  • Thermal Printer
  • DI DII DIII AvR AvL AvF V1-V6 ECG Derivations
  • 100 Defibrillation (full battery)
  • 4 hour Monitorization
  • SpO2 (optional)
  • NIBP (optional)
  • Trolley (optional)
  • Ambulance Stand (optional)


Medicalogy jual defibrillator Metsis Lifepoint Pro dengan harga murah dan garansi terjamin. Hubungi kami di email : atau telepon/WA di 0812 9820 0042.

Defibrillator is a device used to perform defibrillation for the purpose of turning abnormal ECG rhythm into normal rhythm. When heart enters into ventricular fibrillation, the process of returning it to its normal sinus rhythm by giving proper amount of external electric current is called defibrillation, and device used in giving such electric current is called defibrillator.  Should electrical energy is given in the form of shocks, it creates stimulation namely, myocardium is depolarized and systole occurs. To give shock to heart by means of defibrillator, heart should be in ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia rhythm without pulse.

A defibrillator is an electrical device that provides a shock to the heart when there is a life-threatening arrhythmia present. The arrhythmia that we worry about is called ventricular fibrillation. This is a very rapid erratic beating of the heart. Multiple parts of pacemakers in the heart starts sort of beating erratically and the heart can’t rhythmically contract. And what the defibrillator does, it provides shock that basically shocks the heart to stop so that it can start rhythmically contracting again.

Defibrillation is a procedure used to treat life threatening conditions that affect the rhythm of the heart such as cardiac arrhythmia, ventricular fibrillation and pulseless ventricular tachycardia.

The procedure involves the delivery of an electric shock to the heart which causes depolarisation of the heart muscles and re-establishes normal conduction of the heart’s electrical impulse. The machine used to deliver this therapeutic shock to the heart is called a defibrillator.

How to use a Defibrillator?

Defibrillators are the devices used to deliver shocks to the heart in cases of life threatening cardiac disorders. Electrodes that are connected to the machine are usually held in place over the chest of a patient while one or more shocks are delivered.

Defibrillators are used to re-establish a normal heart rhythm in cases of cardiac arrhythmia, ventricular fibrillation and pulseless ventricular tachycardia.

The chest of the patient is cleared of any clothing or jewellery and adhesive or metal electrodes are applied to the chest. These electrodes are connected to the defibrillator.

Adhesive gel electrodes are commonly used with the automated and semi-automated units used in ambulance or non-hospital settings due to their ease of application. These adhesive gel electrodes are available in solid-gel and wet-gel forms, with solid-gel electrodes the easier to use of the two, as there is no need to clean the patient’s skin after removing the electrodes.

These electrodes, however, may burn the skin, whereas wet-gel electrodes can spread the current more uniformly. The adhesive patches are also safer for healthcare personnel to use due to the very low risk of the operator coming into contact with the electrode. The operator can stand several feet away from the patient. Furthermore, the adhesive patches require no force of application, while approximately 25 lbs of force is required to apply the metal electrodes.

Operating a manual defibrillator (cardioverter) requires familiarity with the equipment at hand. There are many types of manual defibrillators, each with differences, such as what the monitor face and controls look like and what type of self-adhesive defibrillation pads are used. These differences in equipment can lead to significant delays in care resulting in poor outcomes for patients experiencing cardiac arrest. If you anticipate having to operate a manual defibrillator, know what equipment will be available to you ahead of time.


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