PT Tekno Medicalogy adalah distributor resmi alat kesehatan | Izin PAK:  FK.01.01/VI/163/2017
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harga Patient Monitor Zondan Apollo N2  Bedside

Patient Monitor Zondan Apollo N2 Bedside

Berat: 24.3 kg Brand: Zondan SKU: 8800010N No Registrasi: AKL 20901612324

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

12.1 inch high resolution LED backlight LCD

Harga Patient Monitor Zondan Apollo N2 Bedside :

Rp24.954.999 26% off
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Total = Rp24.954.999
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Deskripsi Patient Monitor Zondan Apollo N2 Bedside


-12.1 inch high resolution LED backlight LCD;‏

-35 million clicking times long life touch screen with Accutoch technology;

-Maximum 168 hours graphic and tabular trends of all parameters;

-Adjustable respiration lead helps to get accurate RESP reading for different patients;

-120mm slim design which is modern and saving space;

-112mm removeable wide range printer can output 7 waveforms simultaneously.

Two year warranty
Complete digital design
Standard parameters: ECG, RESP, TEMP, Sp02/ Pulse Rate, NIBP
12.1” color TFT display with 7 waveforms
Optional parameter: Anesthetic Gas
Complete built-in module design ensures stable and reliable performance
Built-in recorder (optional) supports real-time recording, trigger printout by alarm
Applications from small to large animals
Way of measurement: Automatic oscillometry
Range of measurement: SYS 30–270 mmHg DlA10–220 mmHg MEAN 20–235 mmHg Resolution: 1 mmHg
Unit: mmHg, kPa
Total cycle time: 20 to 45 seconds typical (dependent on heart rate and motion artifact)
Intervals for AUTO measurement time: 1,2,3,4,5,10,15,20,30,45,60,90 minutes; 2, 4, 8 hours
Overpressure Protection: Hardware and software double protections
Range of alarm: Continuously adjustable between upper & lower limit
Size: 318mm x 264mm x 152mm
Weight: ≥4.5kg

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