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Dima HBsAb Strip Test

Berat: 1.0 kg Brand: DIMA SKU: 20000JID No Registrasi: AKL 20305600347

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

Kit tes DIMA® merupakan tes kualitatif metode immunokromatografi untuk mendeteksi senyawa HbsAb sebagai tes uji hepatitis B.

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Rp720.500 20% off
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Deskripsi Dima HBsAb Strip Test

Is there a blood test for hepatitis B?

There is a simple hepatitis B blood test that your doctor or health clinic can order called the “hepatitis B blood panel”. This blood sample can be taken in the doctor’s office. There are 3 common tests that make up this blood panel. Sometimes the doctor may ask to check your blood again six months after your first visit to confirm your hepatitis B status. If you think you have been recently infected with hepatitis B, it will take 4 -6 weeks before the virus will be detected in your blood.

Understanding your hepatitis B blood test results can be confusing, so you want to be clear about your diagnosis - do you have a new infection, have you recovered from a past infection, or do you have a chronic infection?  In addition, it is helpful if you request a written copy of your blood tests so that you fully understand which tests are positive or negative.

What three tests make up the "hepatitis B blood panel"? 

The hepatitis B blood panel requires only one blood sample but  includes three tests:

  • HBsAg (hepatitis B surface antigen)
  • HBsAb or Anti-HBs (hepatitis B surface antibody)
  • HBcAb or anti-HBc (hepatitis B core antibody)

The doctor needs all 3 blood test results in order to determine your diagnosis.

 What is the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)? 

This tests for the presence of virus. A "positive" or "reactive" HBsAg test result means that the person is infected with the hepatitis B virus, which can be an "acute" or a "chronic" infection. Infected people can pass the virus on to others through their blood and infected bodily fluids.

What is the hepatitis B surface antibody (HBsAb or

A "positive" or "reactive" HBsAb (or anti-HBs) test result indicates that a person has successfully responded to the hepatitis B vaccine or has recovered from an acute hepatitis B infection.  This result means that you are immune to future hepatitis B infection and you are not contagious. This test is not routinely included in blood bank screenings.

Medicalogy jual Kit test HbSAb merk Dima untuk tes hepatitis B dengan harga murah dan kualitas terjamin. Hubungi kami di atau WA di 0812 9820 0042 untuk detail dan promonya.


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