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harga Immersion Oil 50 ml

Immersion Oil 50 ml

Berat: 1.0 kg Brand: B-Jes SKU: 64000SJA No Registrasi: AKD 10204600178

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

Jenis : Immersion Oil

Isi : 50 ml

Harga Immersion Oil 50 ml :

Rp419.628 30% off

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Immersion Oil 50 ml
Total = Rp1.917.003
( 2 of 2 items selected )

Deskripsi Immersion Oil 50 ml

In summary, light refracts through air and glass at different angles. The refractive index of air is 1.0 and that of glass, 1.5 so there is considerable refraction between the two. The immersion oil helps to reduce the refraction since it has a refractive index equal to glass. As a result, it forms a continuum between the objective lens and the slide, thereby successfully ensuring that more light is directed towards the specimen and ultimately, a clearer image.

Oil immersion objective lenses are typically engraved with the word “oil”, “immersion” or “HI” (homogenous immersion). They are manufactured with sealants to prevent damage from the oil.
Immersion oils are commonly available in two viscosities-low viscosity (Type A), and high viscosity (Type B). They are often labeled with a refractive index of 1.515. The low viscosity oil is applied to the airspace between slide and objective, the high viscosity oil is applied between the condenser and the slide.

Jenis : Immersion Oil

Isi : 50 ml

Diskusi Immersion Oil 50 ml

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