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harga RPR Karbon Antigen  Fortress 1x10 ml

RPR Karbon Antigen Fortress 1x10 ml

Berat: 1.0 kg Brand: Fortress Diagnostics SKU: 72000MCS No Registrasi: AKL 20303311885

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

Carbon particles coated

Harga RPR Karbon Antigen Fortress 1x10 ml :

Rp342.144 23% off

Produk yang dibeli bersamaan:

Total = Rp1.843.519
( 3 of 3 items selected )

Deskripsi RPR Karbon Antigen Fortress 1x10 ml

Bio-Rad's RPR (Rapid Plasma Reagin) products use carbon particles coated with cardiolipin antigen to detect reagin antibodies in serum and plasma (performed on tests cards). These tests are used for the qualitative and semi-quantitative detection of syphilis antibodies. Complete kits are available in packages of 100 or 500 tests. Syphilis Kit is a non-treponemal serologic test for the detection of syphilis. The RPR Carbon Antigen contains micro particulate carbon, which aids in the microscopic reading of results. All the reagents are supplied at optimum dilution for use by all recommended techniques in the pack insert. The non- specific is of the IgM class and reacts with an alcoholic extract of beef heart known as cardiolipin.
Since the reaginic antibody lacks specificity, it shows up many other conditions and disease states unrelated to treponemal infection. In these cases false positive reactions can occur. Specific antibodies to treponemes (both T. pallidum and to non pathogenic treponemes) of the normal bacterial flora of the oral or genital tract can also develop. These antibodies are of IgG class and remain detectable throughout the life of the patient despite treatment.

Deben Diagnostics Limited offers a comprehensive range of routine tests for syphilis.

The RPR ( Rapid Plasma Reagin) test kit - a non treponemal test that detects antibody at all stages of infection. Usually used as a first line screen

The TPHA ( Treponema Pallidum Haemagglutination Assay)
This test is used as a confirmation of syphilis. The TPHA kit is a serological test that detects specific treponemal antibody at all stages of the infection.

The Syphilis EIA Tab - This test is also used as a confirmation test. The Syphilis EIA test detects specific treponemal antibodies. It detects syphilis at all stages of the infection, has high specificity and sensitivity.

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