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harga Oppo 2870 Size XL Thigh Compression Stocking

Oppo 2870 Size XL Thigh Compression Stocking

Berat: 0.5 kg Brand: Oppo SKU: 80000PPO No Registrasi: AKL 11402210641

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

Fiber Contents: 70% Neoprene, 15% Nylon, 15% Cotton

Harga Oppo 2870 Size XL Thigh Compression Stocking :

Rp3.186.414 10% off
Tersedia cicilan hingga 12 bulan dengan kartu kredit BNI

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Total = Rp9.068.103
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Deskripsi Oppo 2870 Size XL Thigh Compression Stocking

Neoprene Hinged Knee Stabilizer is suitable for Patellar subluxation/tilting, collateral ligament injury, cruciate ligament sprain and moderate sprain/ strain.

The knee joint includes the tibiofemoral, patellofemoral and superior tibiofibular joints. There are two menisci which are semilunar-shaped discs of fibrocartilage between the femoral condyles and tibial plateaus. Their main functions are shock absorption and stability enhancement. There are many ligaments to provide stability and prevent excessive motion. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), medial collateral ligament (MCL), and lateral collateral ligament (LCL) are the key ligaments for stabilization of the knee joint.


  • Neoprene circle pad around the patella provides padded protection and stabilization to prevent patella displacement.
  • Two medial and lateral stays provide additional support and stability for the knee.
  • Two hook and loop straps insure comfortable fit and stabilization during activities.
  • Helps relieve pain from tendinitis and arthritis.
  • Retains body heat to warm knee joint and increases blood circulation.
  • Fiber Contents: 70% Neoprene, 15% Nylon, 15% Cotton
How to wear:
  • Insert foot into knee stabilizer and pull up to the knee.
  • Be sure the opening is on kneecap and hinge axis align with the knee joint.
  • Secure the upper two small hook and loop straps.
  • Thread through buckles and secure the upper and lower hook and loop straps to desired compression.
  • Patellar subluxation/tilting
  • Collateral ligament injury
  • Cruciate ligament sprain
  • Moderate sprain/ strain

Sizing: Measure around the mid-section of the knee, while in a standing position.




(13 1/8-14 3/4")



(14 3/4-16")



(16-17 3/4")

Extra Large


(17 3/4-19 3/4")

Extra Extra Large


(19 3/4-21 3/4")

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