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harga Inkubator Bayi Transport Gigante Evolution

Inkubator Bayi Transport Gigante Evolution

Berat: 132.0 kg Brand: Gigante - Brazil SKU: 64000AMS No Registrasi: AKL 20902800464

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

a container for water to add humidity

Harga Inkubator Bayi Transport Gigante Evolution :

Rp307.671.903 16% off
Tersedia cicilan hingga 12 bulan dengan kartu kredit BNI

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Deskripsi Inkubator Bayi Transport Gigante Evolution

A neonatal incubator is a rigid box-like enclosure in which an infant can be kept in a controlled environment for observation and care. The device may include a heater, a fan, a container for water to add humidity, a control valve through which oxygen may be added, and access ports for nursing care.

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