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harga Patient Monitor Utas UM 300i

Patient Monitor Utas UM 300i

Berat: 13.0 kg Brand: Utas - Europe SKU: 30000DDM No Registrasi: AKL 20502504887

Dijamin original dan bergaransi

Definition display (800 × 600)
Touch screen

Harga Patient Monitor Utas UM 300i :

Rp112.860.000 10% off
Tersedia cicilan hingga 12 bulan dengan kartu kredit BNI

Produk yang dibeli bersamaan:

Patient Monitor Utas UM 300i
Total = Rp112.860.000
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Deskripsi Patient Monitor Utas UM 300i

Resuscitative-surgical monitor UM-300

UM-300 is :

  • Mobility
  • Architecture flexibility
  • Advanced network capacities

Multifunctional portable bedside monitor UM-300 is designed for continuous monitoring of patient’svital functions. Multi-operated bedside monitor UM-300 is indispensable in surgeries, anesthesiology and emergency treatment, maternity departments, as well as on emergency medical services,in hospitals and during transportation. Monitor UM-300 can be used for monitoring vital functions of adults, children and infants. Color, TFT, 12 "high

Features :

  • Definition display (800 × 600)
  • Touch screen
  • Quick keysand rotary manipulator
  • Individual screen settings (12 profiles)
  • Simultaneous displaying of 12 curves on the screen
  • Screen "big numbers"
  • Programmable buttons
  • 16 colors to display all monitored parameters
  • Built-in nonvolatile memory
  • Trends (720 hours)
  • Autosavingwhen alarm and irregular pulse
  • Built-in thermal printer
  • Autoprint when alarm and irregular pulse
  • Multilevel system of audio and visual alarm
  • Patient card.

Functional capabilities:

  • Registration and monitoring of ECG, heart rate, breathing rate, SpO2, NIBP
  • Heart rate variability analysis
  • Arrhythmias and ST-segment displacementanalysis
  • SpO2 measurement technique option: (UTAS; Nellcor OxiMax with patented alarmssystem, SatSeconds)
  • T monitoring (2 channels)
  • ID monitoring (4 channels)
  • CO2monitoring of breathable air in main and lateral flows
  • Monitoring of N2O,Co2, O2, anesthetic gas vaporsAAg (Hal, Iso, Enf, Sev, Des) in breathable air in main and lateral flows through gas module
  • Measurement of cardiac output and other parametersof hemodynamics by thermodilution
  • Monitoringof invasive pressure and cardiac output with PiCCO technology
  • Depth of anesthesia analysis with BIS index evaluation (BIS-module)
  • OxiCRG parameters displaying
  • Built-indoses estimator
  • Built-inprotection from defibrillator discharge and radiofrequency electrosurgical instrument
  • Modern operating under strong artifacts
  • ECG channel with defibrillatorsynchronization
  • Nurse call" function
  • SD card connection
  • Additional external display connection
  • Connection to the clinics information network by using a wired (Ethernet) or wireless (WI-FI) connection.


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